Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Now that I have your attention. (Shame on any of you who entertained other ideas about the subject material of this blog...) :-)

Normally I don't make New Years resolutions. The majority of resolutions I suppose I could make (be a better person, not worry so much, eat less chocolate...) seem to revolve around giving more power to my will - and THAT is not something I need at all. Not that this is necessarily a New Years resolution, but...maybe kinda sorta. I've decided that, in my attempts to become more well-read, I'm going to read a book every week this year. Daunting, I know. But doable. I hope.

Someone suggested I blog about the books I read throughout the course of the year, so blog I will. It seems to be the trendy thing to do anyway. And I happen to be a trendy person. At any rate, hopefully this is an entertaining read for those of you who are crazy enough to digest my musings about the books I choose to read in the next year. We'll see how this goes...

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