Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Them as seek to silence Yeshua may as well throw stones at the sun to keep it from rising.

Book 13: Second Touch (A.D. Chronicles #2) by Brock and Bodie Thoene

My rating: ****

Leprosy sounds like a terrible disease. To be stricken with a disease that slowly (well...or quickly sometimes) eats away at your body with nothing to stop it would be debilitating. If it were me - I'd have to motivation to live.

During the first century lepers were outcasts. They were shunned from society. No one had anything to do with them - no one talked to them or treated them like normal people, let alone touched them seeing as the disease was communicable. Lily and Cantor were 2 such lepers. Living in the Valley of Mak'ob, they were surrounded by others like them. The community of lepers lived outside of the city - left to themselves to suffer and die together. They had all heard about Yeshua and wondered if He would come to them. But of course not. There was no way He would come to them. If He touched them He would be unclean. But that's the beauty of Jesus and the redemption He came to offer. He didn't hang out with the religious people. He spent His time among the sinners, offering life and hope. And He went to the lepers and touched them, giving healing in His touch.

This series is fascinating. Even though the characters aren't always the same in every book I'm finding myself getting caught up in their story. I've always wondered what it would've been like to be alive when Jesus was on the earth. To see Him do the things written about in the Bible. Through the words of these books I can catch a small (albeit fictionalized) glimpse.

Surely He took up our infirmities
And carried our sorrows.

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